Sydney Indoor Climbing Gym – Five Ten Team VXi Launch Night

Sydney Indoor St Peters is Australia’s largest indoor climbing gym with; almost 3 square kilometers of climbing walls reaching a dizzying 25 meters in height; over 250 roped climbs and 200sqm of bouldering on a 4.5 meter high wall.

Every night, from 5pm onwards, hundreds of climbers converge on this awesome gym to train, test their mettle and socialise, it’s definitely the rock star venue for climbing.  So when FIVETEN had a revolutionary new shoe to show off, naturally we partnered up with Sydney Indoor to Launch the Team VXi here.

The entire FIVETEN Australian range was on show for everyone to; touch, feel and try.  We invited some local FIVETEN talent, the fabulous Sophie King, along to deliver some first-hand advice on the progress she is making with her TEAM 510s and NEW VXis.

All in all I think the night was a hugely beneficial event for both FIVETEN and Sydney Indoor.  People learnt a lot, oooohd and aaaahd and some folks even walked away with a shiney new pair of FIVETENs

We’d like to extend a sincere Thanks to Tony, Stoney, Andrew and Simon giving us the lend of their fantastic gym for the evening, we look forward to seeing you all again!